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Thresholds and peak detection

Set the threshold to use to identify peaks in the editable field below the peak-component pop-up menu.

Recalculating at this point will show a plot of the peak component with peaks identified above the record. The number of peaks is shown as a red number to the left of the peak locations.

Pressing the button labeled "Save peaks to clipboard" after calculating the peaks will place a list of identified dates on the clipboard. The identified peaks are also marked as a separate column in the exported data file (File menu).

The peak smoothing window is used to compute a time series of the frequency of peaks in a moving window. This is calculated in two steps: 1) summing the number of peaks within a window centered on each sample (or resampled interval if the data are resampled), and 2) smoothing this series using the tricube weighted moving average (see Background for details of this function). Smoothed frequency data also are written to the exported data file (File menu, Export data...).

To bypass the identification of peaks (i.e., to inspect a plot of the peak component by itself), then check the 'disable' box to the right.

updated 21 June 2006