Observed Properties of Liquid Helium
at the Saturated Vapor
5. Third Sound Velocity
velocity of third sound in helium II for wavelength long compared to the
thickness of the film, d, is given to good approximation by
<ps>/p is the effective superfluid
density in the film, f is the restoring force per unit mass, S is the
entropy, T the thermodynamic temperature and L
the latent heat. The restoring force is
is the van der Waals's
attraction between a 4He atom and the substrate and
is a retardation parameter.
The effective superfluid density is less than the bulk density because
of healing effects near the walls, such that
is the bulk value and D is a temperature-dependent parameter which has
been determined to have the form
a = 0.5 layers/K and b=1.13 for glass. Here D and d are in units of atomic
layers. Both constants are determined from experiment. The thickness scale
is determined by the partial pressure P in the sample chamber from the
d3= [T
ln( P / P0)
P0 is the saturated vapor pressure at temperature T.
For very thin films (d < 10 atomic layers, where 1 atomic layer = 3.6
angstroms) retardation effects are negligible and the restoring force
can be approximated by f=3 /d4,
so that to first order the velocity becomes
parameter D can then be determined by making a plot of
a function of d with slope unity and intercept D.
For a substrate which is reasonably smooth on the microscopic scale, the
third sound velocity is relatively independent of the substrate on which
it is measured because

d3= [T
ln( P / P0)
that the first order
is independent of .
Chronological Bibliography for Third Sound Velocity

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