Coherent-constructible equivalences in local Geometric Langlands and Representation Theory

Workshop on Algebra and Representation Theory, Held on Oregonian Grounds

July 22-26, 2024
University of Oregon
Eugene, OR


The schedule and timing are subject to change.
Exercises and lecture notes will be linked from this webpage when available.
Pastries and Coffee will be available in the lecture room starting at 830AM each morning.

All talks will be held in Tykeson 140.

Some mornings have time alotted for triage, where the main speaker gets to emphasize certain ideas and make sure everyone is on the same page, depending on how the exercises go. If triage runs short the first lecture will start earlier to give more time for lunch later. TL;DR: make sure you're in the lecture room at 9!

Some background notes on categories are here.

Videos for some lectures can be found here.


900-910: Opening Remarks
915-1015: Combinatorics and representation theory of reductive algebraic groups (Simon Riche) Notes
1015-1055: Exercise
1115-1215: Motivations coming from representations of p-adic groups, I: the Satake isomorphism (Simon Riche) Notes
1215-1255: Exercise
1255-200: Lunch.

200-300: Affine Grassmannians and affine flag varieties (Pramod Achar) Notes
300-340: Exercise
400-500: Abelian category of sheaves on a topological space (Gurbir Dhillon) Notes
500-540: Exercise


900-910: Triage
915-1015: Derived categories and derived functors (Achar) Notes
1015-1055: Exercise
1115-1215: Derived and equivariant derived categories of sheaves and derived functors between them (Dhillon) Notes
1215-1255: Exercise

1255-200: Lunch.

200-300: t-structures and perverse sheaves (Achar) Notes
300-340: Exercise
400-500: Tannakian formalism (Dhillon) Notes
500-540: Exercise


900-1000: Computations with perverse sheaves (Achar)
1000-1040: Exercise
1100-1200: Geometric Satake equivalence, I (Riche)Notes
1200-1230: Exercise

1230-137: Lunch.

No later than 137PM: Take the number 28 bus at 14th and Kincaid, to Martin St and Amazon (arriving 155), for an afternoon hike up Spencer Butte. Bring water! Bring change for the bus (two dollars each way, or a buck seventy-five exact change), or buy your fare in advance using their Umo app, see here and here. Don't be late or you have to wait until 237.

600-900: Evening Pizza Party at University Park


900-910: Triage
915-1015: Geometric Satake equivalence, II (Riche) Notes
1015-1055: Exercise
1115-1215: Review of K-theory isomorphism of Kazhdan--Lusztig; Whittaker vs. antispherical (Achar) Notes
1215-1255: Exercise

1255-200: Lunch.

200-300: Motivations coming from representations of p-adic groups, II: Iwahori level and affine Hecke algebra (Dhillon)
300-340: Exercise
400-500: Gaitsgory's central functor and Wakimoto sheaves (Riche) Notes
500-540: Exercise


900-910: Triage
915-1015: The Arkhipov--Bezrukavnikov equivalence (Achar) Notes
1015-1055: Exercise
1115-1215: The Bezrukavnikov equivalence (Riche) Notes
1215-1255: Exercise

1255-200: Lunch.

200-300: Applications to support varieties for quantum groups (Achar) Notes
300-340: Exercise
400-500: TBD

The End